Queensland Bird Clubs & Societies

Birdlife Australia, North Queensland Group (BA-NQG)
Is a regional group of the national organisation Birds Australia, formally known as the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union (RAOU). The BA-NQG area covers Queensland north of Giru to the Torres Strait Islands and west to the border with the Northern Territory. Regional representatives are based in Townsville, Western Queensland, Cairns, Atherton Tableland, Mossman/Daintree and Cape York Peninsula.

A newsletter, Contact Call, is issued four times a year and regular field trips are organized at least once a month in the various regions. We have campouts at least twice a year where the emphasis is on fun as well as worthwhile projects which cater for all levels of expertise from beginner to professional.

If you are concerned about the future of Australia’s wild birds and their habitats then you should join Birds Australia. You can participate in our activities and research projects that have a real impact on the conservation of our birds. Alternatively, you can just enjoy Australia’s best bird magazine Wingspan, in the knowledge that your subscription is hard at work safeguarding our beautiful birds.
Membership details can be obtained from the secretary:

Birds Australia North Queensland Group
c/o Secretary
PO Box 37
Belgian Gardens
QLD  4810

Email: northernqld@birdlife.org.au
Web page: http://www.birdlifenq.org/

Queensland Wader Study Group
The Queensland Wader Study Group is a special interest group of the Queensland Ornithological Society Inc., with the object to promote and participate in the study and conservation of waders and their habitats and to influence government policy and public opinion for the well-being of waders. Should you wish to read more about QWSG activities and programmes, full details are provided in “Queensland Wader”, which members receive quarterly.
Committee members who can assist you with more information include,

Andrew Geering (Chairperson) Ph: (07) 3896 9353 (wk) email: Andrew.Geering@deedi.qld.gov.au
Peter Rothlisberg (Secretary) 07 3822 3759 email: peter.rothlisberg@csiro.au
Sheryl Keates (Treasurer) 08 8941 6262 email: tattlers@tpg.com.au
David Edwards (Newsletter Editor) 07 3262 2017 email: gouldian@ozemail.com.au
Dawn Beck (Count Co-ordinator) Ph: (07) 3378 8598 email: alphabec@powerup.com.au
Phil & Linda Cross (Leg Flag Sightings) Ph: (07) 3822 3759 email: xenus@big.net.au

All correspondence to :

Dr Andrew Geering

QWSG Chairperson
28 Peppertree St
QLD 4073

Web site: http://www.waders.org.au

Birdline Central & Southern Queensland

Birdline North Queensland

Birds Australia Capricornia Group
We are a Regional Group of Birds Australia with a geographical area from
Bundaberg to Birdsville in the south and Gumlu to Boulia in the North. Our
operational base is Rockhampton but we travel right across our regional area
to further our knowledge of local birds. This is a huge area rich in
diversity and species.

We are dedicated to the conservation, study and enjoyment of Australian
native birds, migratory birds and their habitats. We are a non-profit
organisation and exist solely by the voluntary efforts of our members.

The members of the committee are shown on the right and you are encouraged
to contact us through our Secretary for any further information. Please
follow the links below for specific information about membership, activities
and services.
Please contact the secretary Allan Briggs for further details email:

Birds Queensland
PO Box 2273 Milton, Qld 4064.

Toowoomba Bird Observers Inc.
Serves birders and visitors to the Darling Downs and south-west. The club was established in 1975 to promote the enjoyment of the region’s bird and to stimulate serious ornithological research throughout the area. The city’s position on the very edge of the Great Dividing Range enables Toowoomba birdwatchers to enjoy birding on both the eastern and western sides of the Great Dividing Range.

Regular club outings on the last weekend of each month take advantage of this location to access both inland and coastal species. Visitors to the area are always welcome to participate in these outings, or to contact club members for assistance at other times of the month.

The club, which is affiliated with the Bird Observers Club of Australia, publishes an interesting and informative monthly Newsletter and participates in numerous local and national projects.

Website: www.toowoombabirdobservers.org

Contacts: www.toowoombabirdobservers.org/contact.html

Tweed Bird Observers

Location: Tweed Valley – Byron Bay – Gold Coast region of New South Wales (NSW) and Queensland (QLD).

Introduction, Calendar of Events/Outings, Projects, Tweed Valley Bird List, Northern Rivers Bird List, and more. Printable bird lists and a page detailing local bird watching spots with likely species, available in several formats. Visitors welcome to meetings and outings, just check the site for details.

Birding Southern Queensland
Tom and Marie’s Birding and Wildlife Pages!
From desert to rainforest, mangroves to mulga visit our pages and see why this area has such a wide appeal to birders and naturalists from all over! From this site visit pages on regional and overseas birding, see features on rarities, bird types and even frogs.

Birds Australia Southern Queensland

Cooper Creek Wilderness’ guided Daintree Forest Tours

Birdline Queensland

C4 (Community for Coastal and Cassowary Conservation Inc.)

Mission Beach Cassowaries

BirdLife Bundaburg

    New South wales Bird Clubs & Societies

    Birdline NSW

    Canberra Ornithologists Club
    Canberra Ornithologists Group is committed to meeting the challenge of the study and conservation of native birds. From small beginnings nearly 30 years ago, COG has grown into a large, effective and influential organisation that supports research and puts its case on conservation issues. We welcome anyone with an interests in birds: beginning birdwatchers, amateurs and professionals as well as those with a general interest in nature.

    Hunter Bird Observers Club, Newcastle

    Hastings Birdwatchers Inc.

    Wildcare Queanbeyan Inc.

    Birds Australia Discovery Centre
    The Birds Australia Discovery Centre is open to the public on weekends. We hold Birding Courses, have activities for children and a very comprehensive ornithological library.

    Birds Australia is the premier bird conservation group in Australia.

    Birds Australia is an independent, not-for profit research and conservation organisation. Our mission is to conserve native birds and biological diversity in Australasia and Antarctica, through the study and management of birds and their habitats, and the education and involvement of the community.

    If you would like to know more about our conservation and research efforts or would like to become actively involved in our projects then please contact us.

    Pixie Maloney
    Administrative Assistant

    Birds Australia
    Newington Armory
    1 Jamieson St
    Sydney Olympic Park
    NSW 2127

    Tel: 02 9647 1033
    Fax: 02 9647 2030

    Email: basna@birdsaustralia.com.au
    Website: www.birdsaustralia.com.au

    Birds Australia, Northern NSW Group
    c/o Andrew Ley 19 Lynches Rd., ARMIDALE NSW 2350
    Ph: 02 6772 5358 International: + 61 2 6772 5358

    Far South Coast Birdwatchers
    Our area of interest is the Bega Valley Shire which extends from Bermagui, south along the coast to the border with Victoria and west to the ranges to include Bemboka, including the towns of Bega, Tathra, Merimbula, Pambula and Eden. This area covers a wide range of habitats: forests, coastal heathland, farming, lakes and estuaries. Surrounded by National Parks and State Forests.

    Group walks every second Saturday and fourth Sunday of EACH month. Occasional weekdays for surveys or special events. Evening Meetings with a Guest Speaker, are held in Merimbula on the second Thursday of February, April, June, August, October and December.
    Visitors welcome to attend all functions.

    Pelagic Trips out of Eden on the fifth Sunday of EVERY month. Bookings are
    essential and can be made well in advance to PO Box 180 Pambula NSW 2549,
    or email bjones@asitis.net.au
    All trips depart at 8am and return
    approximately 4pm. Enquiries welcome.

    Postal Address: PO Box 180 Pambula NSW 2549
    Web Page: Next year we hope!
    Email: fscbirds@bigpond.com

    Birding NSW – NSW Field Ornithologists Club Inc.
    Birding NSW was formed in 1966. The club’s aims are to share with others the joys of bird watching and to support the conservation of Australian birds and their habitats. Visitors are welcome. Monthly meetings with guest speakers, Outings, Pelagic trips, Photo Competition and Camp-outs are part of the yearly program, as well as interstate and overseas birding trips. 

    In Sydney, meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month at 7.30 pm in the  Mitchell Theatre Level 1, Sydney Mechanics School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney, situated between Park and Bathurst Streets.

    On the NSW Central Coast, meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 7.30 pm in the Tuggerah Progress Hall, Anzac Street, Tuggerah.

    Contact: The Hon. Secretary
    Birding NSW

    PO Box Q277
    QVB Post Shop
    SYDNEY NSW 1230


    Cumberland Bird Observers Club Inc.
    Our objectives are to encourage knowledge and enjoyment of native birds, and actively promote the protection and conservation of native birds and their habitat. We conduct at least two outings every month in the greater Sydney region as well as meetings on the third Tuesday of every month at 8 pm at Castle Hill Community Centre, Pennant Street, Castle Hill. Visitors are always welcome.

    Other services the club offers are conservation activities such as tree planting and surveys, a library containing over 500 books plus slides and videos, six informative newsletters per year, a shop full of bird books and gifts, bus trips to more distant locations and weekends away.
    Write to the Secretary at PO Box 550 BAULKHAM HILLS 1755
    Web: http://www.cboc.org.au

    Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists Inc
    Objective: To facilitate and promote the knowledge of Natural History and to encourage the preservation and Protection of the Australian Natural Environment especially that of the Murrumbidgee Valley
    Location: Griffith, Leeton and Narrandera, New South Wales, Australia
    Activities: Regular Speaker Nights featuring Guest Speakers on a wide range of topics of interest Field trips to local and surrounding areas to observe the Fauna and Flora and Natural features of the area or just to enjoy the Australian

    Regular Newsletter to keep you informed of activities and projects and to record observations. Regular Meetings for discussion of projects, planning of field trips and activities, development of policy and positions on local and regional issues.

    The Illawarra Bird Observers Club Inc.
    For more information please visit our web page.

    Blue Mountains Bird Observers
    The Blue Mountains are located west of Sydney, encompassing the area between Penrith and Lithgow. The Blue Mountains Bird Observers welcome anyone with an interest in wild birds, from beginners to professionals.

    We meet on the second Saturday in February, May, August and November at 1.30pm at the Mid Mountains Community Centre, New Street Lawson. We hold regular walks and bus trips and publish a monthly newsletter.

    Phone: Chris Todd (02) 4751 3482
    Email: info@bmbo.org.au
    Web page: http:/www.bmbo.org.au 

    Illawarra Birders Inc – based in Wollongong NSW
    Illawarra Birders Inc. is a birding organisation based in the Illawarra, south of Sydney. As well as providing a full programme of birding outings and other events, it has a particular interest in bird-related conservation and education. It is also building strong networks with other groups with an interest in birds.

    Eurobodalla Natural History Society inc.
    Lying 270 km south of Sydney, bounded in the east by the South Pacific Ocean and in the west by the Great Dividing Range, the Eurobodalla Shire has a very diverse environment, including large tracts of native forest, open grazing land, three major river estuaries, coastal lakes and swamps, heathland, as well as off-shore islands containing breeding colonies of seabirds.
    The Eurobodalla Natural History Society was formed in 1986 to foster and encourage interest in the natural products of the shire, train members in the keeping of records and compile and publish Annual Records as ‘Nature in Eurobodalla’. A bi-monthly newsletter is also published.

    Field meetings on the FOURTH Sunday of every month from February to November. Afternoon meetings, with a Guest Speaker, in Moruya on the FIRST Saturday of February, April, June, August, October and December.
    Pelagic Trips from Batemans Bay. Bookings essential.
    Visitors and interested observers are most welcome to attend all ENHS activities.

    The Secretary
    P O Box 888, MORUYA NSW 2537
    Email to: secretary@enhs.org.au

    The Wetlands Centre

    The Dubbo Field Naturalists

    NSW Bird Atlassers Inc.

    Cowra Bird Routes
    There are eight specified bird routes and a map as well as a comprehensive list of district birds, threatened and declining species.
    The Cowra Woodland Birds Project is part of the Birds Australia Program and has developed a bird route brochure which is available
    from the:
    Cowra Visitors Centre
    Mid Western Highway
    COWRA 2794

    Phone: 02 6342 4333 or email: tourism@cowra.nsw.gov.au

    12 bird watching trails around Grenfell in Central NSW

    Birds of the Bush

    Montague Island, NSW (Conservation Volunteers Australia)

    The Avicultural Society of NSW
    Email: aviculturalsocietynsw@yahoo.com.au
    Web page: http://www.aviculturalsocietynsw.org

    Victoria Bird Clubs & Societies

    Birdlife Australia
    Birdlife Australia (also known as Birds Australia/the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union) is one of this nation’s oldest conservation organisations. BA is dedicated to the understanding, conservation and enjoyment of Australia’s wild, native birds. Our quarterly magazine is ‘Wingspan’.
    Email: info@birdlife.org.au

    Birdline Victoria

    The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria (FNCV)
    Was founded in 1880, and continues as a vigorous and practical advocate of conservation and the study of natural history to this day. The Club has over 800 members and publishes the bimonthly refereed journal ‘The Victorian Naturalist’ since 1884.

    Birding in the Echuca District

    Tasmania Bird Clubs & Societies

    Birdline Tasmania

    Birds Australia / Birds Tasmania
    c/o Sally Bryant GPO Box 68 HOBART TAS 7001

    South Australia Bird Clubs & Societies

    South Australian Ornithological Association Inc.
    c/- The South Australian Museum, North Tce ADELAIDE 5000
    The aims of the Association are to promote the study and conservation of Australian birds, to record results of research into all aspects of bird life and to encourage bird watching as a leisure activity.

    The Association is currently (1999) celebrating its centenary year and is the oldest ornithological organisation in Australia. A Centenary book of some 200 pages comprising edited contributions from long-standing members is expected to be published in Oct/Nov of 1999, reflecting a history of ornithology in South Australia. As well as a quarterly newsletter, the Association publishes the highly regarded scientific journal “The South Australian Ornithologist”.

    The Association has approximately 500 members and general meetings, usually of 90 – 130 persons, are held on the last Friday of every month except December. Meetings usually feature a guest speaker. As well as supporting research into birds and their habitats, the Association conducts field trips on the last Sunday, middle Saturday, and third Thursday of each month. Visitors (especially beginners and potential members) are always most welcome at meetings, field trips and campouts.

    Meetings are held at the Charles Hawker Conference Centre in the Waite Institute on Waite Rd, Netherby at 8.00 pm, at which details of field trips are available.

    Contact: The Secretary: 08 8370 3349
    Web Page: http://www.birdssa.asn.au
    Email: general@birdssa.asn.au

    Gluepot Station, Birds Australia property

    Fleurieu Birdwatchers

    Western Australia Bird Clubs & Societies

    BAWA, Birds Australia Western Australia (Inc)
    is the state branch of Birds Australia (Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union). The WA Group has monthly meetings, frequent excursions, runs several projects connected with bird research and conservation, and publishes a quarterly newsletter, Western Australian Bird Notes.

    Western Australia Recent Bird Sightings

    Leeuwin Current Birding

    Birds of Western Australia

    Barrabup Sanctuary, accommodation & camping near Nannup, Western Australia

    Northern Territory Bird Clubs & Societies